Islams History Details
This core equation – that worldly greatness was bestowed by God upon
those who pleased Him – was one that reached back to the origins of
human belief in the supernatural. Rarely had a society existed that did
not see itself as somehow blessed by divine approval. Empires had
invariably cast themselves as the favourites of the gods. So it was,
some 300 years before Constantine, that Virgil had defined the Romans as
a people entrusted by the heavens with a sacred charge: to spare the
vanquished and to overthrow the haughty. A potent sentiment and an
enduring one. Muslims as well as Christians had proven to be its heirs.
The Qu’ran, composed though it was on the margins of the Roman world
during the seventh century, bore witness to a conception of imperial
mission that was not so different from the pretensions of Virgil’s day:
‘When you encounter the unbelievers, blows to necks it shall be until,
once you have routed them, you are to tighten their fetters.’ So
Muhammad, serving as the mouthpiece of God, had informed his followers.
‘Thereafter, it is either gracious bestowal of freedom or holding them
to ransom, until war has laid down its burdens.’
Islams History
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Islams History
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